Voucher not working at check-out?

  • Updated

If you’re having trouble using a promo code or gift voucher, there could be a couple of reasons for this.

Gift vouchers
Check to see if you’ve used a number “0” instead of the letter “O”, or if you have accidentally entered a space anywhere - this is the most common issue.

Promo codes

Some Pact promo codes have an expiry date and/or are only eligible for certain customers e.g. new customers. We recommend that you read the terms and conditions of the promo code carefully, to see if it is valid for you to use.

Please note that promo codes and gift vouchers are only applicable for subscriptions and not store purchases.

If you have any issues, please contact our team with your voucher code, full name and postcode, and we will be happy to help. Get in touch by email at ahoy@pactcoffee.com